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Showing posts with the label an air-distribution

Final Air Circuit One Year On


Big Slow Loft Vent Fan

  Two 40 Watt fans inline 40cm diameter 4mSec at 150mm outlet .Parts total cost NZ$60 

New Dashboard


Added a 60 Litre Plenum air-distribution box on the fresh air side

A bit or research and it seems a plenum on the outlet of the heat exchanger seemed worth a try. 60 Litre Plenum on the vent side. Seems to make the vents more balanced measuring the flow I can regulate the rate more evenly with one vent having less effect on the others, I'm going to add a presure sensor to the chamber see if there is any pressure in it I noticed coupling between room vents. e.g. I set one room and move to the next then recheck the first vent and its flow rate was changed. I was never happy with all those Y junctions, a very poor manifold design I suspect. As an added bonus its made the vent even quieter too. It works well within a range I can set the vent flows independently of one another, also the living room and office flows are much improved which have the longest ducts. The flow at the office and living room are 50% higher if needed now which is great for working at home. The office got warm and sticky in the past, not anymore. More Photos Sound test My refere...