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Showing posts with the label arduino

New Pond Pump for Swamp Cooler

  The Pump Model Name Aquapro AP1050 Waterfeature/Pond Pump Model Number 02AS003B Material Durable Plastic Wattage 18 Maximum Flow (litres per hour) 1050 Voltage 240 Cord Length (m) 10 The baffles The matrix Spray pattern

Final Air Circuit One Year On


Ventilation Control System Finished

 Ventilation Control System Finished  Map to the following dashboard in Hubitat Independent control of 6 fans. Two boost fans individual relays and same 25Khz speed demand 

Upgraded Heat Exchanger Control System

 Speed Control added to ERV heat exchanger fans and a recirculation/bypass valve between the inlet and exhaust fan. Flower pots hot glue and tie wraps the corner stone of any ventilation system.  Its a throttle valve in a manifold between the inlet and exhaust fan plenums. Fan speed is set using the existing Wemos D1 R2 which can output 25Khz accurately to drive the PWM fan speed demand signal. Code changes to the ERV DAS and the ERV Controller and related Hubitat drivers, now renamed,  Ventilation Controller as it manages the boost fans for the zones. Drivers Some testing with no pipes connected showing the blockage effect of the heat exchanger core Exhaust fan only recirculate open 100%

Finished Control System

  As ever on a budget waste not want not approach. mostly stuff I had in stock Code ERV Code Six individually fused channels Power board shown in place. 35 Amp Hall effect current sensor. Driver code here  ERV Code Dashboard for ERV fan control and testing      Six controlled channels with 25Khz PWM fan speed control The first layer of the system. Two Arduinos one for control one for networking, Code here  ERV Code

More DAS Data ERV Temperature vs Rooms and Outside

More DAS Data ERV Temperature vs Rooms and Outside HVAC Activity and Cost NZ$ Bedroom Temperatures 1-11-2020 Bedroom Humidity 1-1-2020

EV Charger

Alexa Integration   Circuit Design We made an EVSE from parts on Banggood & Aliexpress mostly 16A 3.7 kW EV charging controller board + Type 1 EV  Current Sensor This is the key component for controlling charge level and auto shut off at the end of the charge. Probably saves a wee bit of energy with the power to the EVSE disconected in the off state also. Irms = emon1.calcIrms( 1480 ); // Calculate Irms only Kw = (Irms * 230.0 ) / 1000.0 ; float hours = (millis() - lastMillis) / ( 1000.0 * 3600.0 ) ; TotalChargeHours += hours; lastMillis = millis(); //CALC KWH if ( abs (Kw) > 0.1 ) KWh += (Kw * hours); Note: You must add a suitable burden resistor if one is not on the CT board already or the high voltage will damage the Arduino. The one shown has a burden resistor. PCB size 30.0mm X 24.0mm X 1.6mm Compatible interfaces 2.54 3-pin interface and 4-pin Grove interface Transformation coefficient 1000:1 Input current 0 - 5 A Output current 0 ...

New Rapid EV Chargers Arthurs Pass

 You can get from Christchurch to Hokatika now in a 30KWh Leaf due to new rapid chargers. The elevation is around 900 meters at Castle Hill Should have plenty of range dropping down into Hokatika around 4.7KWh of gravitational potential, which is around 26 KM of range in the Leaf. Rule of thumb for a Leaf 30 is 1000meters of elevation is 15 to 20% range  from experience. Add caption There's an online calculator for everything nowadays

The ERV Data Acquisition System

  Progress over the weekend with the ERV DAS The 999's are me testing the sensor disconnected response. I have a Pitot tube left over from an RC plane I think I might put it in the inlet air stream Pin assignment in the Arduino sketch DHT dht[ 4 ] = {DHT( 4 , DHTTYPE),DHT( 0 , DHTTYPE),DHT( 2 , DHTTYPE),DHT( 14 , DHTTYPE)}; There are 4 DHT22's inside heat exchanger lid, shown below. Sensor locations Arduino code #include < Arduino_JSON . h > #include < ESP8266WiFi . h > #include < MQTT . h > #define LED_PIN LED_BUILTIN //LED_BUILTIN is built in LED #include "DHT.h" // Uncomment whatever type you're using! #define DHTTYPE DHT11 // DHT 11 //#define DHTTYPE DHT22 // DHT 22 (AM2302), AM2321 //#define DHTTYPE DHT21 // DHT 21 (AM2301) WiFiClient net ; MQTTClient MQTTclient ; const char ssid [ ] = "Network" ; const char pass [ ] = "DF@#$%" ; // the IP address for the MQTT server char MQTTip [ ...