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Showing posts with the label energy

Finished Control System

  As ever on a budget waste not want not approach. mostly stuff I had in stock Code ERV Code Six individually fused channels Power board shown in place. 35 Amp Hall effect current sensor. Driver code here  ERV Code Dashboard for ERV fan control and testing      Six controlled channels with 25Khz PWM fan speed control The first layer of the system. Two Arduinos one for control one for networking, Code here  ERV Code

Energy and HVAC October 2020

Encouraging results  from logged data. Very stable internal environment in the house.  Energy use for Greenway Room temperatures All rooms are very similar so the heat is being distributed evenly it seems.  Room humidity Very important as we are still having col mornings the humidity is also very well distributed.  

Exhaust Mass Flow with Turbo valve at 50%

  My code is wrong in the driver for wind speed or the sensor is not good enough at such low speeds.   Measured with an anemometer Exhaust velocity  6.864  m/Sec mean  Mass Flow  0.121296892 m/Sec3  That's  7.2778  m/Min3  Therefore it is extracting 165m3 in 23 minutes That what I originally wanted 8 m/Min3 woo hoo

David and Greta in Conversation: The Planetary Crisis | Wildscreen Festival 2020

  Wildscreen Festival 1.47K subscribers SUBSCRIBED He's the world's best loved natural history presenter and broadcaster. She's the Swedish schoolgirl who inspired a world to sit up and take notice of the climate emergency with her Climate for School strikes. Wildscreen is thrilled to be virtually bringing them together for a very special Keynote conversation. They're separated by 77 years in age but united by one shared desire - to protect the natural world. Join them as they discuss some of the key issues facing the planet - and what we can do to mitigate against them. Speakers: Sir David Attenborough & Greta Thunberg To find out more about Wildscreen Festival, head to: Due to licensing restrictions, we cannot feature the trailers on the YouTube channel, so please view them below:

New Rapid EV Chargers Arthurs Pass

 You can get from Christchurch to Hokatika now in a 30KWh Leaf due to new rapid chargers. The elevation is around 900 meters at Castle Hill Should have plenty of range dropping down into Hokatika around 4.7KWh of gravitational potential, which is around 26 KM of range in the Leaf. Rule of thumb for a Leaf 30 is 1000meters of elevation is 15 to 20% range  from experience. Add caption There's an online calculator for everything nowadays

Exhaust Boost Fan (Curry mode)

I think I'll build one of these Credit I need to cost this out properly I suspect the valves will push the cost up to high might bi simpler to build a fan What about this This might be better and more compact The valves I want a booster exhaust air mover that can say exchange all the air in the house in 15 or 20 minutes The calculation above shows I can do this with one or two 75cm gym ball lungs. So the idea is make a rolling diagram or ball compressor from 2 NZ$12 gym balls and a windscreen wiper motor. So 45 decrees of travel in 2.5 seconds? A wiper motor can do that but the Torque needed at a radius of say 50cm would be?????? Hard to say these is virtually no air pressure however the ball has significant wall thickness best discovered by experimentation,. I think. Torque needed to excerpt 2kg of thrust at 50cm is approximately 9.81 Nm unsurprisingly, or 1kg/Meter. Can a wiper motor deliver 1kg at a half me...

Live Sensor Data - Via Hubitat cloud

Live data feed from Hubitat Cloud   

Energy Consumption Energy Monitoring

  Decent low energy cost for all electric heating 3.5KW heat pump and a 2KW electric convection heater. Energy consumption The raw data is here  The data shows the device switching on and off under control of Hubitat