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Showing posts with the label sensible heat

Latent Heat Flow and Sensible Heat Flow

I need to understand this properly I think maybe it will explain whats happening here I don't understand how I get a smaller delta T stale - exhaust than between inlet and fresh, if the temperature boost is a result of heat being exchanged? Checked for leaks and instrumentation. I saw similar phenomenon with the small scale experiment, strange. I need to know why. Given: Q l  = h we  ρ q Δx / 3600  Is it  Δx = difference in  humidity ratio  ( kg h2o /kg dry_air )   causing this reading? Seemingly double the  ΔT  inlet to fresh than stale to exhaust. Curtesy of Latent Heat Flow Latent heat is the heat, when supplied to or removed from air, results in a change in moisture content - the temperature of the air is not changed Latent Heat Flow - SI-Units The latent heat flow due to moisture in air can be expressed in SI-units (metric) as Q l  = h we  ρ q Δx / 3600    ...