I need to understand this properly I think maybe it will explain whats happening here I don't understand how I get a smaller delta T stale - exhaust than between inlet and fresh, if the temperature boost is a result of heat being exchanged? Checked for leaks and instrumentation. I saw similar phenomenon with the small scale experiment, strange. I need to know why. Given: Q l = h we ρ q Δx / 3600 Is it Δx = difference in humidity ratio ( kg h2o /kg dry_air ) causing this reading? Seemingly double the ΔT inlet to fresh than stale to exhaust. Curtesy of https://www.engineeringtoolbox.com/ Latent Heat Flow Latent heat is the heat, when supplied to or removed from air, results in a change in moisture content - the temperature of the air is not changed Latent Heat Flow - SI-Units The latent heat flow due to moisture in air can be expressed in SI-units (metric) as Q l = h we ρ q Δx / 3600 ...
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